Rob Burman's Laboratory
Courses In The Art Of Prosthetic Makeup Effects
RW Foam Latex Prosthetics Contest
Create an amazing prosthetic makeup using Rubber Wear foam latex prosthetics following the specific THEME established for the Contest. The choice, number of pieces, and the design is yours (Within the THEME guidlines). We want to see creations that “live and breathe”. Well-blended edges, appropriate colors, unique designs or authentic recreations. Show our JUDGES just what you are capable of.
This CONTEST THEME is: “Cartoons Come To Life” (January 1st - June 1st, 2021)
Bringing Cartoon characters to life, isn’t as easy as it may seem. The “Living World” has limitations on shape and proportion that make it hard to make a “cartoon” exist in three dimensions. That is the challenge: Create a “Living Cartoon” from any kind of cartoon character you like. It can be an established character from Anime, Video games, Superheroes or TV shows (and you’ve “re-created”it), or it can be a design you’ve created on your own that is totally unique! As long as you’ve brought the character to life using Rubber Wear foam latex prosthetics.
Winners will receive prizes including:
GRAND PRIZE consisting of a full set of Rubber Wear foam latex prosthetics (A full 200 pieces!)* and a 5-day Introduction to Prosthetics Course at Rob Burman’s Laboratory.
1st Place Winner will receive 100 assorted Rubber Wear foam latex prosthetics*
2nd Place Winner will receive 50 assorted Rubber Wear foam latex prosthetics*
3rd Place Winner will receive 25 assorted Rubber Wear foam latex prosthetics*
*Occasionally our various Retailers will contribute additional items to the Winner’s prizes as well.
Submit a short (1-3 minute) video of your application process and the finished, un-digitally re-touched photos along with your name and necessary contact information, (Name, email, phone, address, link info) to enter. Submissions of work on disc or stick may be mailed to
Sticks and Stones, Rubber Wear Prosthetic Make-up Contest, P.O. Box 785, Tujunga, CA 91043.
You must be 18, or over at the time of submission to enter. Rubber Wear and Rubber Wear Retailers and their families may not enter. Your submission video can be as simple as a photo montage and should feature the Rubber Wear piece/pieces you are applying.
A team of qualified and experienced professional Special Makeup Effects Artists will review the submissions and a winner will be chosen from all applicants for all Prizes.
The Contest date deadline is June 1st , 2021. Winners will be announced July 1st, 2021.
Void Where prohibited by law
• This contest is to showcase what you can do with a makeup using Rubber Wear foam latex prosthetics. Use of other prosthetics, either custom or purchased is prohibited.
• The amount of Rubber Wear foam latex prosthetics used will not determine the Winners. As long as a minimum of a single piece is utilized the entry is eligible. In addition, the use of multiple pieces also does not guarantee a “win”.
• Originality of design and/or accuracy of reproduction and quality of application, both during and after will be key judging factors in choosing a winner. Make the Judges “Believe”.
• Videos/photos submitted should attempt to document your process from start to finish as much as possible. We want to see your process, how you put your pieces on and how you make them disappear into your character. Remember, it can’t be more than 3 minutes. You need to show us what you can do in that time, even if your makeup did take 10 hours!
• Digital alteration of any submitted material is prohibited. Editing of video images to shorten segments (wipes/dissolves/etc.) is acceptable but alteration of your character’s image in any way is cause for disqualification. Your images do not need to specifically be in video format. Still images can be submitted for viewing as a slide show as well. Keep in mind that your process is important and not just the end result.
• RW prize contribution may not be exchanged for other product nor cash value. Any other contributing companies and their prizes are the responsibility of those companies and Rubber Wear holds no responsibility for their contributions.
• RW reserves the right to feature any and all submissions in its Promotional, Advertising and Social Media accounts as a representation of the Rubber Wear product and its use. RW will credit the original Artist where possible and appropriate.
• For the winner receiving the 5-Day Prosthetics course at Rob Burman’s Laboratory, Winner is responsible for all necessary transportation, food and housing requirements. RBL will provide all necessary space, materials and training required to fulfill RBL’s Introduction To Prosthetics course in our Los Angeles lab facility. This is also not an exchangeable prize.
• All Prize pieces will be hand-picked by Rob and Jennifer at Rubber Wear from our current product line.
In order to be fair and impartial, we at Rubber Wear do not judge the Entries ourselves although we review all of them personally. We enlist a variety of Judges from our Professional resources acquired through many years of Film, Television and Theatrical work. The Judges, though varying from Contest to Contest due to availability, consist of some of the most revered Artists within the Prosthetic Effects industry. We usually have 10 or more acting Judges in each contest so that there isn’t a way to play “favorites” or have any biases when scoring the entries. All Judges have to opportunity to see all Entries. A list of current Judges and their Credits will be posted at www.robburmanslaboratory.com/contest
Scoring is based on a number system. Any Judges top four are assigned a numerical value. Grand Prize is afforded 4 points, 1st Place gets 3, 2nd Place gets 2 and 3rd Place receives 1. The totals are added and the Entry with the highest score is the Grand Prize Winner… and so down the line for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places.
The Judges score your Entry on various aspects of the Makeup including:
Overall Uniqueness of design/Accuracy of re-creation (Whichever applies)
Creative use of Prosthetic pieces
Blending of Edges
Use of Color
Mobility (How well it “expresses”)
Accessories such as Hair & Wardrobe
Film-ability (Is it “Camera ready”?)
All of these items together help to “sell” the look and complete your character. Each Judge may have their own additional criteria based on what they find important and we encourage them to critique the Entry as they see fit.